The company

The company

An independent asset management company founded in 2013 and approved by the AMF in 2014, France Valley manages €4.4 billion in assets as at 30/06/2024.

The majority of its capital is held by its founders, Arnaud Filhol and Guillaume Toussaint, and the company's employees. In 2023, Charterhouse (31%) and Société Générale Capital Partners (4%) entered the capital as part of a minority LBO.

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Since its launch, France Valley has specialized in the management of natural assets and real estate investments in usufruct of SCPI units, and today manages €4.4 billion in assets.

1) Usufruct assets recognized in full ownership

Today, it is France's leading natural asset management company, with nearly €900 million in assets under management at 30/06, including 400 forests in 10 countries, covering a total of 46,000 ha, as well as 41 vineyard estates covering 38 ha.

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Charles de Cointet small
Charles de Cointet
Associate Director
Eric Bengel small
Eric Bengel