An AMF¹-approved asset management company, France Valley offers solutions based on real, tangible assets through two product ranges:
- Investments in Natural Assets
- Real estate investment in usufruct of SCPI² units
Positioned in a niche market that it has created and developed itself, France Valley is today :
- France #1 private forestry investor
- France #1 financial investor in Champagne
- France #1 investor in usufruct of SCPI units, with an 80% market share Thanks to a structured team of 40 experts, France Valley was managing €4.8 billion in assets at 12/31/2024, with the aim of making assets that are difficult to acquire and manage directly accessible to investors.
¹Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) is the financial regulatory authority in France responsible for overseeing and regulating financial markets.
²Société Civile de Placement Immobilier. French SCPIs are unlisted investment vehicles raising funds to build a portfolio exclusively composed of real estate properties (offices, retail businesses, etc.). SCPIs are run by a management company authorized by the French regulator.
A dedicated team
at your service
Eric Bengel
Charles de Cointet