
Usufruct fund for SCPI¹ units


A financial product pooling temporary usufructs of SCPI shares
USU SELECT (Presentation)


A model set up by France Valley back in 2014 for leading institutional investors (insurance companies, life insurance real estate UCs, bank equity, pension and provident institutions, mutual insurance companies, ...) and now available to individuals.

This unique financial product is based on the slicing of SCPI shares with the ambition to meet the needs of high-yield seeking investors seeking attractive risk / return ratio.


France Valley
now represents 80% of the SCPI¹ usufruct market in France

¹Société Civile de Placement Immobilier. French SCPIs are unlisted investment vehicles raising funds to build a portfolio exclusively composed of real estate properties (offices, retail businesses, etc.). SCPIs are run by a management company authorized by the French regulator.

3 blocs en

¹France Valley estimate, based on new money raised in slicing in 2023

Typical distribution of a usufruct fund

asset type en
SRI performance¹
  • 70% of the portfolio invested in SRI-labeled SCPIs
  • 2/3 of the portfolio invested in Article 8 or Article 9 SCPIs within the meaning of SFDR

Mutualization and diversification of underlying assets¹
    • Between 15 and 30 SCPIs
    • More than 100 properties per SCPI on average
    • 3 leases on average per building

¹Source: France Valley
Data to end Q1 2024; based on France Valley's usual averages for its 22 SCPI temporary usufruct funds under management.

Diversification across 2,500 buildings and 7,500 leases

Liquidity and returns are not guaranteed, but there is a risk of capital loss. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

A particularly attractive and competitive risk-return profile vs. other asset classes, especially other real estate assets with higher volatility

1 An investment strategy independent of the evolution of real estate valuations
2 A diversified portfolio across all real estate sectors and geographies (France and Europe)
3 A resilient investment strategy (80% market share), proven, diversified, with very low volatility and historical returns in line with performance objectives

A relevant investment strategy in a challenging real estate market

Market risks and their consequences for the usufructuary

A dedicated team
at your service

Charles de Cointet small
Charles de Cointet
Eric Bengel small
Eric Bengel