Le November 12, 2024

France Valley & Ecobase: a pan-European afforestation program

France Valley makes a commitment to Europe's forests!

We are proud to participate, alongside Ecobase, in the first pan-European afforestation program certified by the Verified Carbon Standard. With the support of 70 forest managers, our team is piloting 15 afforestation projects in 5 countries, working closely with local experts.

This program combines the features most sought after by companies keen to contribute to the mitigation of global warming by acquiring the credits issued :


  • Strong additionality : there were no forests in the plots chosen for afforestation
  • .
  • Pursuit of biodiversity objectives : creation of new permanent forest biotopes
  • Carbon sinks under control : all plantations are carried out by our partners, under the control of our team who visit them regularly : all are accessible in a day !
  • Plantations are planted on unused or little-used land, with no negative impact on local populations, quite the contrary.
  • A solid certification : the VCS " afforestation " methodology is tried and tested, and has been adopted in several national certification schemes (such as the low-carbon label in France).


This is a major step forward for Europe's forests !