September 09, 2024

European regulations CRCF

European CRCF (Carbon Removal Certification Framework) regulations suggest that carbon credits from sustainable forest management and reforestation/afforestation projects are of lower quality than those to be generated by technologies. This could have significant negative impacts on the financing of such projects worldwide.

European CRCF (Carbon Removal Certification Framework) regulations suggest that carbon credits from sustainable forest management and reforestation/afforestation projects are of lower quality than those to be generated by technologies. This could have significant negative impacts on the financing of such projects worldwide.

This is why France Valley has joined the NBS (Nature Based Solutions) coalition and signed a letter addressed to the European authorities, alongside: aDryada, ATIBT, Africa Energy Transition Services (AETS), Forestry France, GO2-Markets, La Belle Forêt, Fronterra, AGRO-MAP, Removall Carbon, EcoAct France, FRANSYLVA, Open Forest Protocol, Hummingbirds, Reforest'Action, MORFO, NOBLESSE GREEN ENERGY.